Gone Fishing
I'll be in Alaska all next week, so probably no bloggage.
Here's a picture of where I'll be: (more pictures here)

See you when I get back.
writing is thinking
I'll be in Alaska all next week, so probably no bloggage.
The French Revolution is such a mixed bag. The Declaration of the Rights of Man is cut basically from the same cloth as the Bill of Rights (both were accepted at almost exactly the same time), but there's this caveat in the French version absent in the American:
OK, so as you know I now no I'm the father of a boy and--per the ultrasound--he's got boy parts. So, now I have to make a decision: cut or no-cut.
I was recently queried about how we homeschool. I paste a snippet blow.
My old friend who's a CPA now was reflecting on what he's learned in the buisness. I thought it was so good I'd paste it here.
Blossoming over at The Weedy Garden this week is a wonderful meditation on found freedom. There's also a recent poem--a work in progress but still very good--which, together with the freedom piece, shows how well the author blends domesticity and reflectiveness.
A friend recently wrote me regarding good reading in the philosophy of mind from a Christian perspective. I paste in my recommendations below.
We found out this week that our third child--now in the 4th month of gestation--is, in fact, a boy.
At least the photo below of me jumping across the finish line in the Rochester Classic Duathlon was used in the Summer newsletter for the area multi-sport club. Always hamming it up.