Summer Plans
Grades are uploaded, so the semester is officially finished! It was a great semester, but grades are *such* a hassle that it brings on a sensation of relief even for semesters which I would happily have go on.
That is, of course, only one of many negative effects of grades. They are the bane of education. No part of schooling gets in the way of education more than the mire of grades. But more of that later.

Summer plans:
*Reading group with Rich Feldman on epistemic self-trust. I. Self-Trust : A Study of Reason, Knowledge, and Autonomy, II. Intellectual Trust in Oneself and Others.
*Read most everything on epistemic luck with emphasis on Greco and Pritchard.
*Read _A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist_ by 1920's English priest Abbot Vonier.
*Augustine's Enchiridion on Theological Virtues and Joseph Pieper's commentary.
*Hike/Bike the whole Letchworth State Park section of the Finger Lakes Trail.
*Spend week canoeing in Adirondacks.
*Compete in a few local duathlons and triathlons.
*Spend a few days climbing in Daks.
*Canoe to nearby canal towns.
*Help liberate youngest from training wheels.
*Teach summer session of Logic at Naz.
*Learn nature of various herbs and when to use them, especially Basil, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme.
*Keep my garden weed and disease free.
*Build picnic table.

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